Math Fun Corner
Here is where I'll post fun little math things I do and make. No math background is assumed or required, just a joy of patterns and discovery!
Kakuro Worksheet: Kakuro is similar to a combination of a crossword puzzle and sudoku. This is a worksheet I wrote for the University of Washington Math Circle, a math group for 6th-8th grade students to be introduced to interesting math concepts often found in higher level math at their level. Learn how to solve kakuro puzzles and explore related mathematical patterns!
Sample problem: Each square must contain integers 1-9 without repitition in a single row or column. Rows must sum to the numbers to the left, and columns sum to the number above. Find all values for A and B that give the puzzle a unique solution. (Assuming A less than B, there are three answers)

Medial Axis Cookies: When a sugar cookie is dipped face first in melted chocolate, the chocolate pools and drips, forming ridges along a familiar mathematical skeleton.